Saturday, August 25, 2007


There are many ghosts in my life. They have just recently begun to reveal themselves, floating up from my subconscience, bringing good and not so good memories. Their sort glow of white or blue, hazy, fog-like. But they have always been there, just below the surface of my mind. They are the aberations of people in my life, coming and going, softly showing me the way to go.

They are the people who spoke into my life, or walked in unannounced, teaching me lessons too important to ignore. But at times, they are the ones I disregarded. I didn't heed the wisdom they brought, in soothing words or painful deeds. I barely caught a glimpse of them, in their milky white.

They are the people whom God sent to guide me. They demonstrated sane thinking, or their lessons danced of insanity. They spoke words of wisdom into my life, or guided me with a gentle hand. I did not recognize them for what they were. I did not see the hand of God.

They were my friends and family and lovers, my teachers, my counselors, therapists, my 12Step group members, and even people I have never formally met, whom God has used to tell me he is watching over me, and guiding me.

I smile softly at my ghosts, as they float through the rooms in my mind. I owe my life to some of these ghosts, who materialized and gave words of wisdom and pointed out the path to take.

One day I hope to be a ghost, floating up from some far lost memory, a fleeting thought in someone's day. And if by chance they pause to reflect, they too will remember words of wisdom, words I tried to carry into their lives, I pray. Mac 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Take time to remember how connected you are. Lift your eyes to the stars and listen. Listen to the wind blowing through the trees. Dance in the moonlight. Listen to cricket's chirp. Listen to the rustling leaves. This is God's music. The universe sings to God. Pay attention to the joyful songs of birds praising God with the coming of each new morning. Watch as the lilies open and face the sun. Listen to the babbling brook. Watch the reddened leaf flutter to the ground. Smell the crisp air in autumn and the fragrant breeze in spring. Listen to your heart beat, and feel the air flowing within you. You are part of something bigger than yourself, your present life, your family, town, country, world. You are part of the dance, the "magical" dance of the universe taking place in time and space. You are part of the chorus, singing your song to the creator. A song of life. May your dance be worshipful, and your song be a love song. Mac 2007
Good fences make good neighbors,
and good boundaries make good friends.

Mac, 2004

Let Yourself Be Who You Are

It's difficult to be around people who are trying to be perfect - perfectly healthy, perfectly polite, perfectly poised, perfectly controlled. Remember that being human means being imperfect, being flawed. Let yourself be. Let others be. Slouch in your chair. Eat with the wrong fork. Laugh out loud. Stand up and reveal who you are and know that you're good enough. Stop worrying that people will find out who you really are. Instead, hope that they do. Help them by openly sharing yourself and being not who you think you should be, but who you really are.

Freedom is just a small step away - a step into self-love and acceptance. When you take it, others will follow. And they'll be grateful you led the way. By Melody Beattie

Wise Advice - From My Tuesday Night LifeGroup

Don't drink the punch.
Drug trafficing is dangerous.
Don't make an appointment to have your hair done on Sunday.
Watch where you are walking.
Don't drink and drive.
If its not yours, don't touch it.
Don't assume the rock is dry.

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood,
and I-I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Poetry by Robert Frost

Monday, August 20, 2007

101 Ways to Cope with Stress

Get up 18 minutes early. Prepare for the morning the night before. Eat a more healthy diet. Avoid tight fitting clothes. Avoid relying on chemical aids. Set appointments ahead. Don't rely on your memory...write it down. Practice preventative maintenance. Make duplicate keys and place them in obscure, secure places outside your home and office. Say "no" more often. Set priorities in your life. Avoid negative or toxic people. Use time wisely. Simplify meal times. Always make copies of important papers. Anticipate your needs. Repair anything that doesn't work promptly. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike or cannot do yourself. Break large tasks into bite size portions. Look at challenges differently. Unclutter your life. Smile. Be prepared for rain. Pet a friendly dog or cat. Don't know all the answers. Look for the silver lining. Say something nice to someone. Teach a kid to fly a kite. Walk in the rain. Schedule play time for yourself into every day. Take a bubble bath. Be aware of the decisions you make. Making no decision is making a decision. Stop saying negative things to yourself. Visualize yourself winning. Develop your sense of humor. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day. Set goals for yourself. Dance a jig. Say "hello" to a stranger. Ask a friend for a hug. Look up at the stars. Practice breathing slowing. Learn to whistle a tune. Read an inspiring poem. Listen to a symphony. Watch a ballet. Read a story curled up in bed. Do a brand new thing. Stop a bad habit. Buy yourself a flower. Take stock of your accomplishments, achievements, and gifts. Find support from others. Ask someone to be your vent-partner. Do it today. Work at being cheerful and optimistic. Put safety first. Do everything in moderation. Pay attention to your appearance. Strive for excellence NOT perfection. Stretch your limits a little each day. Look at a work of art. Hum a jingle. Maintain your weight. Plant a tree. Feed the birds, then watch them every day. Practice grace under pressure. Stand up and stretch. Always have a "plan". Learn a new doodle. Memorize a joke. Be responsible for your feelings. Learn to meet your own needs. Become a better listener. Know your limitations and let others know them too (Boundaries). Tell someone to have a good day in Pig Latin. Throw a paper airplane. Exercise every day. Learn the words to a new song. Get to work early. Clean out one drawer or closet. Play patty cake with a toddler. Go to a picnic. Take a different route to work. Leave work early (with permission). Put air freshener in your car. Watch a movie and eat popcorn. Write a note to a far away friend. Go to a ball game and scream. Cook a meal and eat it by candlelight. Recognize the importance of unconditional love. Remember that stress is an attitude. Keep a journal. Practice a monster smile in the mirror. Remember you always have options/choices. Have a support network of people, places and things. Quit trying to "fix" other people. Quit complaining. Get enough sleep. Talk less and listen more. Freely praise other people. PS - Relax, take each day one at a have the rest of your life to live. From the DUMC Counceling Center

The Journey is Sacred and Holy

All parts of the journey are sacred and holy. Take time now to honor the beginning. Start today to follow your heart. Learn to listen to your inner voice. Listen to your heart. It's your connection to God, to people, to the universe, and to yourself. Map out your own journey, asking God to show you the path he has planned out for you. And hang loose, and have the adventure of your lifetime!